Thursday, January 17, 2013


i never thought i would see the day that i would wear skinny jeans, let alone red skinnies. when i was twelve i begged for my mom to buy me "flares" for my birthday. she just kept saying, "they're just a trend. you will think my jeans are cute some day." well, i haven't embraced those "mom" jeans she used to wear but she was right about the "flares".

i have come a long way over the last year. i owned a pair of skinny jeans but swore i would only wear them flipped up to look like capri's. last spring i bought "goal" jeans after i had kellen and and decided to go with straight leg from american eagle. by the end of the summer i was oooing and awwwing over everyone who looked so cute in skinny jeans and took the leap, buying two pairs. needless to say i have never looked back.

i just got these lovelys in the mail from my little sister.$7 @ maurices. what?!
i am in love and i want need a chambray shirt asap {insert trevor rolling his eyes}
boys just don't understand.

outfit bonus: you can totally wear boots on a snowy day and flats on a sunny day. perfect.

the point is...
if you are still conflicted on the skinny jean delima. just do it. from denim, to colored, to jeggings they are all awesome. i am converted...even my mom is converted{she owns this exact pair}and she is a grandma : )
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  1. Nicole you look fantastic! I am one of "those people" who are terrified of skinny jeans. I feel like I'm not skinny enough to wear them. But girl you look amazing!

    1. Kristen, I totally was the same way! You should really try some. You might just be surprised like I was! : )

  2. And you are looking smokin' my dear!!!

  3. I LOVE skinny jeans! I think they are so feminine, and I've never thought they looked bad on anyone, as long as the waist is low enough to not be mom jeans! I think they accessorize so well, with all types of shoes, socks, belts. The red looks fantastic Nicole!

  4. I don't like wearing anything OTHER than skinny jeans, which is funny because I, too, once thought I'd never wear those things. I'm totally into the colorful ones..I have 3 different colors, and my husband wants to know if I'll ever wear "normal" jeans again. Um, not if I can help it! ;)
