Monday, January 28, 2013

keep good good food

we have been in a rut lately. whenever i feel like i want a snack i reach straight for the sweets or start thinking of all the yummy things i could make. i love to bake. yesterday alone i made chocolate chip cookies and cake...which the hubbs said he would take to school today {ya, he ended up not going} 
now i have cake and cookie dough staring me in the face.  
trevor started training a couple weeks ago for a half marathon in may and our eating habits are not helping one bit. 

i feel like throwing everything unhealthy in the trash right now. {that is a bit extreme and so wasteful} 
excuses? probably. but i still can't do it. 
instead i am going to freeze the cookie dough in case i need cookies again for a future event and i am going to find the cake a new home.
 any takers?

it's shopping day once again and i decided that i am going to shop healthy. 
it's time to phase out the junk and leave nothing but the healthy. 
i figure either i will eat healthy or not at all. right? 

now i just need some help with easy, healthy, & kid friendly snacks.
ready. go!

Friday, January 25, 2013

high five for friday

5 favorites this week
1. sunday we had a sweats and snuggles day after church
2. the things emma "made for me" at preschool.
3. costa vida. the husbands lunch today. i am jealous.
4. little man learned to play peek a boo this handed.
5. shirt repurposed to a skirt for the miss.

what did you do this week?!


Thursday, January 24, 2013


who doesn't love a good giveaway? hop on over to And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson to enter! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

a case of the mondays

today i had it bad. a case of the mondays. we even fell asleep on the couch at 8pm last night. what is my problem?! sometimes i just don't want to get up to a crying baby. sometimes i just don't want to get emma her daily morning "chocolate milk"{pediasure}. sometimes i just want someone else to do it and i want to sleep in.

but being a mom isn't about what i want. really ever. so what do you do when you have a case of the mondays? something for yourself- i took a shower today
2. pick up the house- this was hard but a messy house just makes my mood worse
3. plan something- today is grocery shopping day so i used this awesome template to make a list. lists make me happy.

when the kids get up from nap time we are having a monday re-do.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


i never thought i would see the day that i would wear skinny jeans, let alone red skinnies. when i was twelve i begged for my mom to buy me "flares" for my birthday. she just kept saying, "they're just a trend. you will think my jeans are cute some day." well, i haven't embraced those "mom" jeans she used to wear but she was right about the "flares".

i have come a long way over the last year. i owned a pair of skinny jeans but swore i would only wear them flipped up to look like capri's. last spring i bought "goal" jeans after i had kellen and and decided to go with straight leg from american eagle. by the end of the summer i was oooing and awwwing over everyone who looked so cute in skinny jeans and took the leap, buying two pairs. needless to say i have never looked back.

i just got these lovelys in the mail from my little sister.$7 @ maurices. what?!
i am in love and i want need a chambray shirt asap {insert trevor rolling his eyes}
boys just don't understand.

outfit bonus: you can totally wear boots on a snowy day and flats on a sunny day. perfect.

the point is...
if you are still conflicted on the skinny jean delima. just do it. from denim, to colored, to jeggings they are all awesome. i am converted...even my mom is converted{she owns this exact pair}and she is a grandma : )
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Well great.

As you can see the blog got a face lift, I feel like I want to change some things up. But in the process somehow I deleted all the blogs on the sidebar that I read frequently. Great. So on top of the unnecessary amount of time I spent on the layout I had to go back through comments and find all my friends/families blogs! Sooo, if you don't see your blog on the left side{and don't mind me reading yours} then leave a comment so I can add it.
p.s. this may also mean that the link you have to my blog has changed because it is now instead of


Monday, January 14, 2013

11 months

I can't believe I actually kept up with this every month and now Kellen is only a month away from turning one! 
Today I took his 11 month pictures and tied in the theme we are doing for his party...John Deere. 
I got really excited and may have used his bday gift as a prop. shhhh. It is back in the box : )

At 11 months Kellen....
-Has 7 teeth.
-Got the flu for the first time.
-Loves to say "HI" to everyone.
-Had his first Christmas.
-Can get off of beds, couches, etc. by himself.
-Is still a champ at church.

Here are just a couple of my favorite pictures from today.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Snowy Days

It has been snowing around here A LOT lately. Not that I am complaining, I actually enjoy the snow December-February. But after that it starts to get on my nerves. It is especially enjoyable this year because it hasn't gotten warm enough to melt any of it so there isn't any of the brown slush that is just plain UGLY. Just beautiful, sparkly, perfect snow : )

We have the sweetest older couple in our ward whom I swear is exactly like Trevor and I will be in 40-50 years. She went to school to be an elementary teacher but has always been a stay at home wife/mom. Her husband is into triathlons and golf and he and Trevor could did talk about it for hours. They live just across the main road and were so sweet to invite us over for sledding in their field and hot chocolate after. We really do have the best ward/neighbors. 

 Feeding Macaroni some apples.
 The snow is practically up to her knees!
 All bundled up!
 Kellen even came for a short ride on the sled : )
 She is SO brave.
 Cool pants in the boots. 
Girls turn. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had such a fun Christmas with Trevor's family this year. I swear it just gets better as the number and age of kiddos increases!

He had a fever and wasn't feeling well but was such a trooper for pictures : )
Emma on the other hand couldn't keep her eyes open with the flash.
Dschaak cousins!
He wasn't much into the I said he was a sick kid.
Kellen's new Boise State bouncing horse! He loves this thing and can already bounce and ride it himself!

Skiing at Pomerelle on Christmas day.

Trevor and his mom!