Thursday, March 31, 2011


For spring break we were lucky to get to go to Kansas and visit my family. Trevor's mom and sister were already planning on driving to Ohio to see his brother and they dropped us off in Kansas on their way! We had a blast and sadly it was the last time I get to see my brother before he leaves on his mission in a few weeks.

My family. (Minus Meagan) I don't quite understand why the younger 2 kids get to be tall?

Brooklyn was sad that Emma was crying when we put her to bed so she decided to go snuggle with her. I was AMAZED that she fell asleep with Brook in a real bed.

Kelly came to visit!

Emma LOVED that she could go outside and play. We had a couple of days in the high 70's!
Saw the flower.

Picked the flower.
Tried to smell the flower. haha.

She loved messing with Uncle Massey...he has the best reactions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Full on toddler.

Emma is a full on toddler these days. Today marks 18 months. 1 1/2 years old, can you believe it?! I haven't been the best at taking pictures lately except on my phone. So this is all I got today. Here is a bit about our little princess...

-she is getting the hang of walking up and down stairs
-her hair is long enough to put in a little nub pony tail
-she can say a lot of words but is too stubborn to do it when you ask
-feeds herself with a spoon or fork...without making a mess
-LOVES shoes and wears mine around the house
-knows how to turn on the t.v. and if i turn it off while she is watching she will get up and turn it back on and go sit back in her chair
-is starting to cuddle more
-she loves to wear jewelry, especially bracelets
-knows how to point to her eyes, nose, ears, hair, toes, and belly
-blows kisses
-loves to be a mommy...she wraps her doll in a blanket, tries to put a diaper on it, feeds it, rocks it while singing, and reads to her baby
-found a "blankie" stolen from gma dschaak's house
- has MASTERED the fake cry

Emma is so much fun. I love having a little buddy that follows me around all day. She has her moments, but we just get through them and make memories.

Love you Em.