Friday, May 20, 2011


Spring is here! We have had a mixture of sunny days followed by rainy days. I don't mind the rain and it it nice to actually have spring weather...not too hot and not too cold. Emma and I have been taking advantage o the warm days that have been mixed in!

Emma's first ice cream cone!

We got some sidewalk chalk!

It was 70* and Em was finally able to ride her little bike for real! doesn't work so well inside on carpet.

p.s. phone pictures are bad quality, SORRY!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

moms day

This was the hardest, most rewarding day of my life. Thinking about this day helps me remember how much I just wanted her to come. I just wanted to be a mom SO bad. Some days seem HARD, but she is so worth it.

Here is my mom. I'm missing her today. She is having a really hard time this mother's day because my brother left on his mission 2 weeks ago. I guess when you are in the MTC you don't get to call home on mothers day. It is so sad.

This was all the girls in the family until little miss Anna came to the world last week! Happy mothers day to my older sister Meagan! She is now the mother of 2 under the age of 2 and is doing it like a pro.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The most recent news is that my sister Meagan had her baby on Saturday! Her name is Anna Marie. I have only seen a naked, just popped out picture that wasn't very flattering which was also on my little phone screen so I am still waiting to really see her!

Here are our Easter pictures. We had a great weekend in Burley with Trevor's family and Emma LOVED hunting eggs. She called them balls and tried to kick them at first but then got the hang of it.

Running down the hill.

Aunt Kelcie's dog Mollie, Emma is a HUGE pet the opposite of me.