Monday, August 29, 2011


While I am student teaching Emma gets to go to preschool! It is basically a daycare/ preschool and right across the main street from our house! She has her own little 2 year old classroom with a cute little teacher. She gets to take her lunch and a backpack with her blanket for nap time. She just looked so old and cute this morning I couldn't help but take the traditional "first day of school" pictures!

She has been obsessed with this lunch box from the moment she laid eyes on it at the store a few weeks ago!
Had to add a little cuteness to her plain backpack.

When I took her into her classroom she left me and never looked back. I couldn't even get her attention to say goodbye! I know she had the best day ever because she threw a complete all out fit about leaving and Trevor had to carry her out. Quite the opposite of how I thought she would react. That's my girl- stubborn, independent, and outgoing. Hopefully she will actually miss me when it comes to real school.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New phases of life.

We are all moved in and loving our new place but lacking motivation to get completely unpacked. We have moved WAY too many times in 3 years and I think we are allowed to be burnt out for a while.

This is the scene around our house lately. I think little buns in undies are the cutest thing EVER. Emma LOVES (that's an understatement) her new spongebob undies and has been wearing them for a couple weeks now. She is slowly getting the hang of it and my lack of consistency is probably the biggest problem. How do you potty train and run errands? I still havn't figured that one out so for now the solution is pull ups. I am proud of the progress and hope that her new daycare/ preschool will really help get her trained when she starts in a few weeks.

As for new news...I'm pregnant and.....

We are SOOOOO excited and can't wait for the new addition in February!