Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Break {2014}

It has been SO nice to have a break from school to spend 2 weeks with my kids! I can't believe 1 week is already over!! Our next half of our break will be spent in Kansas visiting my family and Emma keeps saying, "I can't believe we are going to Kansas tomorrow!" It's safe to say we are all very excited!

 Christmas morning
 Kellen was a sick little man

 Drew learned to crawl up a few stairs!


Monday, December 22, 2014

Drew Calvin {9 months}

 At 9 months Drew....

is full of personality
has 2 teeth with 3 more coming in
slides around on his belly instead of crawling
picks up cereal and feeds himself
still cuddles every once in a while
loves to yell
pushes peoples hands away if he doesn't want them bothering him
"plays" with kellen by kicking him and laughs about it
gives open mouth wet kisses

 This picture shows those painful top two teeth coming in!

Friday, November 28, 2014

8 months {drew calvin}

at 8 months....
little man army crawls and inch worms around everywhere
has a bottom tooth
talks all day long
smiles at anyone who talks to him
picks up his own cereal
just goes with the flow of our crazy life!

Friday, October 24, 2014

7 months {Drew Calvin}

At 7 months Drew....
can mostly sit up on his own
cries when a toy is taken away then stops the instant you give it back
wears 12 month size clothes
size 4 shoes
has no teeth
is happy an content almost all the time
loves to watch people around him
puts anything in his mouth that he can get his hands on
smiles all day long