Tuesday, January 14, 2014

maternity pictures

everyone's all setting their new years resolutions and "get skinny" workout plans for the month year and i'm just sitting over here like, "how much can i shove in my mouth for the next three months before reality hits." 

honestly though, just this past week i have hit the point where i feel HUGE. usually this feeling doesn't set in until about a month before my due date, but obviously with the third kid things happen faster. and apparently on the other side of it all, things happen slower. great. 

so lets just look back on a few weeks ago when i didn't feel quite so large and actually had the confidence to take maternity pictures. because let's face it, those days are over and my pajamas seem to be the only thing i can stand to wear these days. 

a HUGE shout out to my sister in law Chelsey Sloop who took these pictures on a seriously bitter cold day at shawnee mission park. so if you live around Kansas City and want her info for maternity, newborn, senior, or family pictures or to check out her work just click on her name above to link to her facebook page!

26 weeks with baby #3