Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

Basically I'm a cheapskate. 
In the past 7 years of being married I have paid to get family pictures taken 1 time. Typically I just mess with a few settings and hand over my camera every year to anyone who is willing to come help us out and is FREE. aka a non professional and sometimes even someone who has never held a DSLR camera in their life.
 Let me tell you, when I got in the car this evening after pictures I was kind of regretting that choice. Drew was NOT having it tonight (he never is when it comes to pictures) and I was SURE we didn't get one single good picture. 

Thankfully I was wrong. 
But next year, you better believe I will be saving my pennies so someone else can deal with the stress. 
Any takers? ;)

A special thanks to Jordan for being conned into tonight!