Wednesday, November 14, 2012

9 months

At 9 months Kellen .....

-has his 5th tooth poking through
-crawls down the stairs head is so funny (don't worry there are only 2 stairs in our house)
-is getting used to real shoes
-still doesn't nap consistently
-is starting to get clingy
-loves when Emma is the first one to greet him in the mornings
-knows what the word NO means
-Says mama and dada all day long
-doesn't like to share with his sister...the feeling is mutual
-thinks it's funny to yell
-entertains himself in the toy room as long as someone is with him
-favorite activity is to bang things on the wood floors
-refuses to learn to drink from a sippy cup

And we can  not get enough of you can tell by the amount of pictures below.