Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas in Kansas

I thought I could just do a quick post of a few Christmas pictures...I was wrong. I haven't look at these since I took them and there were so many to choose from! We had an excellent Christmas with my family in Kansas which was nice because we had a less than excellent time traveling there. We decided to take the Greyhound bus because it was about $600 cheaper than flying. Well there is a reason for that. Lets just say there are very interesting people who ride those buses. We witnessed one drug deal and heard about another. We also ate at McDonalds wayyyyyy too many times because that is the only place the bus stops besides the gas station. Being pregnant made the small uncomfortable seats worse and by the time we got to Utah, on our way home, my feet were so swollen I was scared they might stretch out and stay that way. Moral of the story....DON'T EVER TAKE THE BUS.

Colton and Emma opening stockings Christmas morning!

Very happy for 4am. Yes we woke up wayyyy too early because my family is crazy. And it took 3 1/2 hours to open all the gifts before church. jeeze.

Little Anna.

Backwards, but Santa (Great grandpa Sloop) brought Christmas eve PJ's for everyone!

Christmas Eve. My sister Meagan, Reid, and Anna.

Colton and Emma playing ring around the rosie.

They were little trouble makers.


Baby Anna

They had quite a fun time in the tub. : )


  1. soooo cute! Oh how I wish Nathan had cousins! I'd love someone to go through a pregnancy with, and to see our kids playing. But with our luck we'll have #2 before anyone has their first one (knowing our two families)...oh well!

    GOOD TO KNOW about the Greyhound buses! Man it's tempting...I get too Kansas homesick too often!

  2. PS--I took an Amtrak train from KS to Iowa and back once in high wasn't bad at all!!
