Saturday, February 4, 2012

we are crazy.

if baby boy is not here by the 13th i officially am scheduled to be induced that day! did i mention i am SO done being pregnant.

as for real big super exciting news.....we are moving. we might just be nuts but i am actually excited. we found a great HOUSE....let me say that again...a HOUSE for rent in Blackfoot. it is a great deal and newly remodeled with a fenced in yard. i am beyond excited to leave apartment living behind and live in a neighborhood! as for the crazy part, we have to be out of our apt by the end of the month. i'll just have a baby and pack and move all in a few weeks. no biggie.

next post WILL have pictures of baby boy. let's stay positive, people.


  1. WOW!!! So exciting!! I wish we were closer so we could watch Emma while you do everything. Luckily baby boy will hopefully just sleep during the bulk of it! First you gotta get him here and recover, though! Is your mom or someone coming to help? I hope so! Now I really feel bad we're not closer!! CONGRATS on the upcoming baby and the house!!! We just moved to a duplex (not even a complex of duplexes or something). I LOVE having a yard, garage, and a neighborhood!

  2. oh so exciting...we live in firth, so we will totally have to get together sometime and go walk the greenbelt or other fun things when it warms up. good luck with baby fun.

  3. So awesome! Sending positive-baby-get-here-before-induction-date thoughts your way!

  4. P.S. You totally are crazy. But if anyone can do it, you can!

  5. can't wait to see him! yes, you are crazy, but it'll be worth it! :)
