Sunday, September 30, 2012

Family Pictures

So this year we tried to take some pictures in July but they just didn't turn out how I had envisioned. Basically family pictures for us means I pose everyone, hand my camera to someone and they snap a few shots while trying to handle a DSLR camera and also trying to get my kids to look at them. I am cheap.

A few years ago we took these family pictures. They have been my all time favorite ever since. So this year when our first round didn't work out I knew we had to do Fall pictures and with Skye and Fletcher again. They are the PERFECT people for the job, Skye has more experience than the average person with a camera and Fletcher is good at getting the kiddos attention. Plus I was also able to get a few shots of the kids and Trevor in between group. I uploaded and edited them the second I got home and I am in love once again and probably will never take family pictures in another season. EVER.



  1. I LOVE them!! You do such a great job! :o) Oh the color scheme, the setting, the DOG(!!!) I love it all! We're having family pics done in a few weeks (trading family pic sessions with another photog it!) and I can't WAIT to have beautiful fall pictures!

  2. these are great! i love emma's face in the third one. such a cutie. good work SKYE! (& im sure fletcher jumping around getting kellen & emma to look at him was pretty dang funny)

  3. Cute, cute, cute! They turned out great!
