Saturday, December 17, 2011


Things are festive around here. We have all our shopping done and are anticipating our trip to see my family next week! I just wish we could have an inch or two of snow before we leave for Kansas on Tuesday morning. It just makes it feel more like Christmas. And a white Christmas in Kansas is like a 1 in 10 chance.

We wern't going to have a Christmas tree since we don't stay home during break but I REALLY wanted one. Thanks to an awesome mother-in- law we have this wonderful tree : )

I LOVE pintrest and had a fun time making these stockings and advent calendar!

Walmart was the place to get Santa pictures this year. Emma was excited to see Santa but nervous to sit on his lap!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Emma has gotten so big! It seems like yesterday that I was baby sitting her for you two and she'd just come sleep in my bed. P.s. I don't know why my name comes up as unknown or how to change that. -Kathy Hale
