Monday, August 24, 2009

Tick Tock

Life is all about the waiting game right now. Waiting for Trevor to get home, to get back to our apartment in rexburg, and our baby Emma.

I had my first doctors appointment today and I am 1 cm dialated...9 to go. Im at 37 weeks, which is full term but I don't think she is coming any time soon. My next appointment is next Monday, which I am not looking forward to since today was a bit painful. I really don't know how a baby is going to come out and I am getting kind of nervous about that whole process that is supposed to be a "natural" part of life. We'll see...

Just a side note...
this little girl ALWAYS has the hiccups.


  1. we are so excited for you, baby emma is going to be so cute! keep us updated :)

  2. glad to know you didn't have the baby in kansas! we miss you here! oh, and miles ALWAYS had the hiccups too - except it hasn't stopped! almost every day of his life he's had them too. weird!
