Thursday, May 23, 2024

Robbie 11 Months

 Life Got a little crazy and I didn't do 9 month and 10 month updates! So here's an update since 8 months!

Robbie eats solids and drinks regular milk, he pretty much loves everything and puts anything in his mouth. He has become a little tease. 

He waves and blows kisses and does the cutest scrunch nose smile! He also loves to give kisses!

Robbie took his first plane ride to Florida at the end of February and loved the water. I bought him new summer clothes to take on the trip that were 18 month size and they all fit very tight now!

He stands up to everything and walks around but hasn't stood on his own quite yet. 

In April he took his second plane ride to Kansas for cousin Charly's baptism! He also had his first big boy haircut in Kansas!

We are excited for the summer with big kids home, Robbie LOVES his siblings.

He is wearing 24month or 2T clothes! 

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