today i had a big, fat, realization...and not a good one.
i am a mean mom.
okay, we'll i don't mean all the time {at least i hope not} but the past few days i have caught myself countless times losing it over the silliest things like emma spilling an entire cup of powerade on the floor{that i just mopped yesterday} because in my brain i am like, "what the heck. you are almost four. can't you sit still and eat your lunch like a big kid?!"
and after my anger gets out and she feels beyond awful then i realize, "no, you mean mom. she is four. not ten."
just another ah-ha moment to remind me that kids are kids and they are supposed to make messes and mistakes because that's how they learn.
more importantly that's how we learn.
we're all just mom's, dad's, co-workers, husbands, wives, students, children, etc.
making one mistake after another all for the purpose of learning.
now i am prying that the next time something happens i can say to myself, "cool it. you're twenty-four. act like an adult instead of freaking out." because in all reality my reaction is teaching her how to react when things happen.
so here's to being a better mom and better example, one step at a time.
amen girl. I hear ya!