monday's are my grocery shopping days. for us it works better than the traditional saturday because a.) grocery stores are pretty empty monday mornings and b.) we would eat all the snacks/food on the weekends and have nothing left for the week.
now, i'm not the best advice giver on the actual grocery shopping trip because i am THE worst at actually sticking to my list but i have a few tricks that have made life easier as far as actually eating the food i buy.
Tip #1
remove old left overs and expired food from fridge and wipe out.
a clean fridge helps things feel fresh and actually helps me eat better. if my fridge is looking dirty then nothing inside looks appealing to eat. it is a must once a week in our house.
Tip #2
make healthy snacks accessible and ready to eat.
if your grapes aren't washed and in an open container chances are half of them will go old before they get eaten. same goes for washing other fruits and veggies. no child {or husband} wants to put in the effort when looking for a quick snack.
Tip #3
cut off the tops of the snack boxes.
this makes one less step for you when you need to grab a few quick snacks to throw in the diaper bag and who actually likes closing the tabs on the tops of theses boxes anyways?
Tip #4
open the bags in snack boxes.
for things like vanilla wafers, cheez-its, and gold fish i open the boxes and then cut the bags open before i put them in the cupboard. one less step later, easy access, and the bag gets opened correctly instead of ripped down the side.
this goes for cereal bags too!
Tip #5
make a food list to put on the fridge.
i usually just have a lit of the meals i have planned for the week {in no particular order} but some weeks when i am feeling extra ambitious i make a snack list too. for husbands older kids it is especially helpful so your not hearing the phrase "there's nothing to eat in here!"
Clean fridge and washed produce are so true! I do a vinegar and water rinse (1 C vinegar to 1/2 full sink of lukewarm water. Soak 10 minutes and rinse [never ever tastes like vinegar]) and I can get my berries and all other produce to last at least 2 weeks (makes the Costco produce so much more appealing and affordable). As for planning and sticking to the list, my tip is I plan out meals and snacks for the week, break up my shopping list by category: produce, meat/dairy, frozen, canned, baking, breads/cereals, etc. It makes my trip so much faster AND I'm not as distracted by other foods.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, twin =)
i will have to try that rinse! and thanks for the list tips. i really have a problem with that :)