our new addition to the family arrived three weeks ago today!
here's how things went bringing this little guy into the world....
at my appointment on march 17th I was a few days over 38 weeks. my doctor had previously told me that he would be leaving the day i turned 39 weeks for spring break...meaning he couldn't induce me like originally planned. so we set up an appointment for monday the 24th with the doctor on call that day. . well on thursday that week my mother in law (who works at the hospital in burley) ran into the doctor who delivered emma and he told her that he was on call for the weekend and would be happy to start things on saturday morning for me. i was beyond excited because this meant i could attend cheer state with my squad on friday and we could have this little guy a few days before trevor had to start his new rotation instead of the day before AND i actually knew the doctor.
so saturday morning we checked in around 7:30 and started the pitocin at 8:30. the nurse warned me that the anesthesiologist would take 30 minutes to get there once we called him so give her plenty of time. honestly i can't remember if the doc broke my water before or after the meds started but i was already at a 3 going into the whole thing. i distinctly remember having the thought at 9:00, "hm. maybe i should call for the epidural now since it will take a while to get here" then i brushed it off because the contractions were pretty mild still. at 9:30 things were moving along and i told the nurse to call for the epidural. by 9:45 I just couldn't take things anymore and told the nurse i needed something NOW. thankfully that medicine helped but only for about 10-15 minutes. Finally the epidural go there a little after 10 and he did his thing. Well, the epidural wasn't working and i could still feel my legs and move them as well as feel as the AWFUL back labor (i didn't even feel any cramps in the front. it was so weird). the anesthesiologist had me roll over and try to check things out and the nurse decided they should check my progress since i was in so much pain. well lo and behold i was already at a 10 and ready to go. except i wasn't really ready because i was scared out of my mind about the pain.
after about 3 rounds of pushing little man was here at 10:23am.
let me just give a shout out to all those who give birth without an epidural because it was honestly the most awful thing i have EVER experienced and i don't wish that pain on my worst enemy. just saying. it is SO not for me....and if i were told i had to do it that way with any more children that may follow...i wouldn't have anymore. i may or may not have shed a few tears and said a few "choice" words while delivering him. thankfully trevor was there to apologize for me :)
dispite little drew's hurry to get here, we love him so much and couldn't imagine our family without him! life with three is surprisingly good. i think i had myself prepared for the worst because everyone says transitioning to three is the hardest of all but i guess i have just been really blessed so far.
pictures i took at 3 days old...
in the hospital!!