for me writing clears my mind. hopefully my story will help others see they aren't alone.
i scheduled my 12 week apointment early at 8 am so i could wake up and go down to pocatello before the kids even woke up and be back home just in time for breakfast.
i scheduled my 12 week apointment early at 8 am so i could wake up and go down to pocatello before the kids even woke up and be back home just in time for breakfast.
just another check up is what i thought.
no big deal.
no big deal.
the doctor did his normal check up things and got to the point of listening to the heart beat. after searching for a few minutes he asked if i was certain of my last menstrual cycle. i said no because i had my IUD removed in december and got pregnant right away. he said he would finish things up and go get the ultrasound machine.
the only thought i had was hmmm, maybe i'm not as far along as we thought.
no big deal.
next came the ultrasound and i got to see our little "bean" baby.
but still no heart beat.
the doctor said he was going to send me over to the ultrasound lab because his machine is older and not as accurate.
i said, "okay it's long as it's still alive."
he said, "that's the thing, i don't think there is a heart beat at all."
my heart sunk and it took everything inside me to hold back the tears.
this was a big deal.
i hadn't had one single symptom of a miscarriage except the loss of pregnancy symptoms...just nausea which is supposed to be going away by now!
second ultrasound. same results.
no holding back the tears.
i had what was called a miss miscarriage with no signs. The baby had stopped developing around 9-10 weeks and i had NO idea.
my 25 minute drive home alone was the worst.
i'm not the kind of person who thinks "why does this have to happen to me" but yet i still can't help feeling a huge loss. just when i think i'm over it and i'm not going to cry anymore, something sets it off again.
i have read quite a few stories before about other people having miscarriages but i never thought it would be this hard.
sometimes we think we have all these grand plans and everything mapped out in life just to get things turned upside down when we least expect it. kinda a theme so far for my family in 2013 and i just joined in.
life is hard and trials are a part of it. i am thankful for my family and priesthood blessings. i know Heavenly Father has a plan for our family and things will work out exactly how they should.
because i haven't had the actual miscarriage part, technically i am still "pregnant".
surgery is scheduled for thursday to completely remove everything.
the only thought i had was hmmm, maybe i'm not as far along as we thought.
no big deal.
next came the ultrasound and i got to see our little "bean" baby.
but still no heart beat.
the doctor said he was going to send me over to the ultrasound lab because his machine is older and not as accurate.
i said, "okay it's long as it's still alive."
he said, "that's the thing, i don't think there is a heart beat at all."
my heart sunk and it took everything inside me to hold back the tears.
this was a big deal.
i hadn't had one single symptom of a miscarriage except the loss of pregnancy symptoms...just nausea which is supposed to be going away by now!
second ultrasound. same results.
no holding back the tears.
i had what was called a miss miscarriage with no signs. The baby had stopped developing around 9-10 weeks and i had NO idea.
my 25 minute drive home alone was the worst.
i'm not the kind of person who thinks "why does this have to happen to me" but yet i still can't help feeling a huge loss. just when i think i'm over it and i'm not going to cry anymore, something sets it off again.
i have read quite a few stories before about other people having miscarriages but i never thought it would be this hard.
sometimes we think we have all these grand plans and everything mapped out in life just to get things turned upside down when we least expect it. kinda a theme so far for my family in 2013 and i just joined in.
life is hard and trials are a part of it. i am thankful for my family and priesthood blessings. i know Heavenly Father has a plan for our family and things will work out exactly how they should.
because i haven't had the actual miscarriage part, technically i am still "pregnant".
surgery is scheduled for thursday to completely remove everything.