The semester is half way done! whew! Life is just moivng along. We got some exciting news Monday, Trevor has been asked to come interview at ISU to be in their pharmacy program! His interview is March 8th. We are crossing our fingers!!! Emma still doesn't roll over really. she doesn't really like to lay too much, instead she always wants to be standing. Maybe she will skip crawling and just walk. ha.
Saturday we got em's ears pierced! She only cried for just a minute. This is the best picture I could get because she was facinated with the camera.
Emma loves my cheerleading poms.
One day I drove to school then trev walked up later. While he was working out I walked to the other side of campus with em in her stroller to get the car, when we got there I realized I had no carseat. This is what I decided to do and I drove sooooo slow down to pick up trevor, then the two of them sat together on the way home. (0nly 2 blocks from campus) Jeeze what bad parents.
Happy Birthday daddy! Trevor is now 23!
One day I drove to school then trev walked up later. While he was working out I walked to the other side of campus with em in her stroller to get the car, when we got there I realized I had no carseat. This is what I decided to do and I drove sooooo slow down to pick up trevor, then the two of them sat together on the way home. (0nly 2 blocks from campus) Jeeze what bad parents.
Happy Birthday daddy! Trevor is now 23!