Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Back to School 2024

First Day of School Fall 2024

Kate 1st Grade

Abby 1st Grade

Emma 9th Grade

Kellen 7th Grade

Drew 5th Grade

Robbie at home with mom!


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Abby and Kate are 7!

 Abby and Kate are 7! They are silly and feisty and just starting to get into the phase where they get wild and show off when people come over. They love to ask where people are especially Mya(silcock), Kodee(Edgar) and Kym(Koyle).

Kate love to dance and cheer. She loves babies and doing hair. She will get into lipgloss and loves makeup. She calls Robbie her baby and tells him he's a "good boy" all day. She follows Kellen around all day and asks a million questions like "what are you doing?" and "what time is it?" She always wanted her hair braided.

Abby would watch t.v. all day if we let her. She is sneaky and gets into all the snacks. Yogurt is her favorite. She has a silly little giggle and everyone loves it. She is independent and wants to do most things on her own. She recently started asking for hugs and giving little kisses just because. 

For their birthday we used their birthday money from Great Grandma and Grandpa Sloop and painted/decorated their room as a ballet room. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Robbie 11 Months

 Life Got a little crazy and I didn't do 9 month and 10 month updates! So here's an update since 8 months!

Robbie eats solids and drinks regular milk, he pretty much loves everything and puts anything in his mouth. He has become a little tease. 

He waves and blows kisses and does the cutest scrunch nose smile! He also loves to give kisses!

Robbie took his first plane ride to Florida at the end of February and loved the water. I bought him new summer clothes to take on the trip that were 18 month size and they all fit very tight now!

He stands up to everything and walks around but hasn't stood on his own quite yet. 

In April he took his second plane ride to Kansas for cousin Charly's baptism! He also had his first big boy haircut in Kansas!

We are excited for the summer with big kids home, Robbie LOVES his siblings.

He is wearing 24month or 2T clothes! 

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 2024


Mothers Day 2025

Last Day of Kindergarten
Abby & Kate

Emma's Last Day of 8th Grade!

Tucker Bosinger and Kellens Last day of 6th Grade!

Kellen's Last Day of 6th Grade!

Drew's Last Day of 4th Grade!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 2024


Kate (Left) Abby (Right)
Kindergarten Spring Sing April 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter 2024


A snow storm rolled in while we are at church this Easter! 
Drew, Abby, Kellen, Kate, Emma, Robbie